Does kimblee just swallow the stone and then just spit it up every night
to keep from … digesting it? Or his he actually a squirrel and just has
a pouch in his cheeks?
My guess, He’ll cough up the Philosopher’s stone every time he’s alone
in his cell and then put it back when someone is coming to visit him.
Multiple times over seven years is bound to fuck with something in his
throat [I think he keeps it stuck in the back of his throat but never in
his stomach for a long period of time], stomach, ability to taste… My
headcanon is that he has lost some taste by repeated ‘spitting up’ of
the stone.
Well, remember how he was in the car and he put his hand on his
stomach? He was forcing the stone up. I think he does swallow it.
But for him to be able to do that he would need two things: Lack of a
gag reflex and weakened stomach muscles. Your stomach muscles
automatically keep food down, and your gag reflex keeps food from coming
up on demand. Training that to stop is forcing yourself to purge your
stomach on multiple occasions.
My face when I realized Kimblee has trained himself to be bulimic.